Nostalgia's a funny thing, the last two days have made that blatantly obvious, not only has the passing of 2014's Record Store Day helped people re-connect with some of the music they may have left behind, but non-other than Avril Lavigne has made hordes of young people around their early 20's long for the days when things were simpler, you didn't have to worry about money or jobs, and 'Sk8er Boi' was the coolest thing you could listen too.
And when you consider musicians such as Josh Freese, Butch Walker and Ben Moody helped on the production on this album this in retrospect should come as no surprise. Visually there was a change in style as well, from Avril's pop-punk 3/4 trousers and slim t-shirts developed into a more Gothic look matching the the music and probably the changes a lot of her younger fans were encompassing too. Despite not really owning the airways like 'Sk8er Boi', 'Complicated' or 'Nobody's Home' had done, Avril still seemed genuine and exciting. And then she seemed to disappear.
And she petty much did, unless you really went looking for news of her online, she seemed to have evaporated and then out of no-where returned with something no-one really seemed to expect. The next time we saw her in early 2007, everything that was once cool for us young adolescences had long gone. Believe me, I was 17 at this stage and was far to busy being in love with 'Rise Against' too really care. But there was nothing of her former self in the album or singles. If you're looking hard-enough the 'Girlfriend' video show's a visual mish-mash of someone really struggling with their identity.
So lets fast forward to 'Hello Kitty' cause there was an album in between but I don't know anything about it except the realize date and the vague memory of trying to listen too it and just not being bothered. Well it certainly has brought more attention to her, but as songs go it is not terrible, and if I'm honest I can see this being a hit, for anyone but Avril. There lies her problem. Probably anyone who still gives a shit about her are going to remember her being the skater girl, and the goth and probably even the girl in the shorts with blonde hair, and the girl we saw grow up on our screens with a piano.
Basically the issue is that we've watched her grow up from the young skater, to trying different things with her image, to finally becoming a woman all through 12 years of music video's. 'Hello Kitty's' main problem is not completely the lyrics nor the music, it is just the artist who is performing the track. Avril Lavigne is a victim of her own success.